Which fees do I have to pay for selling invoices on Edebex?

Besides the annual membership fee of 250€, there are costs for every invoice that is sold on the platform. These costs can vary between 1 and 4% and they depend on different factors such as the invoice amount, the solvability of your client and the payment term. The costs consist of:

  1. Fixed fee – charged for every invoice that you upload to the platform
    • Listing fee: The only fixed cost you will have to pay is the listing fee of 25€ to cover the administrative costs for the audit of the invoice.
  1. Variable fee – calculated as a percentage of the invoice amount
    • Service fee: The service fee is the remuneration of Edebex for the total of delivered services regarding the selling of your invoice through the market place. This includes administrative obligations, activation of buyers, auditing, collection of the payments, the (partial) premium cost of the insurance of your invoice against insolvability of your client and the recovery of non-paid invoices.
    • Insurance fee: The insurance fee entails the (partial) premium of the insurance of your invoice against insolvability of your client.
  1. Buyer discount: The buyer discount is a percentage of the invoice amount which is granted to the buyer of the invoice as a return on his investment.

When do I have to pay these fees?