Which fees do I have to pay for selling invoices on Edebex? h

Besides the annual membership fee of 250€ you have invoice related costs for every invoice that is sold on the platform. These costs depend on different factors such as the invoice amount, the solvability of your client and the payment term. The costs consist of:

  1. Listing fee – 30€ (excl. VAT) per invoice
    • The listing fee covers the administrative costs for the audit of the invoice.
  1. Service fee
    • The service fee is the remuneration of Edebex for the total of delivered services regarding the selling of your invoice through the market place. This includes administrative obligations, activation of buyers, auditing, collection of the payments, the (partial) premium cost of the insurance of your invoice against insolvability of your client and the recovery of non-paid invoices. The percentage depends on the solvability of your client, the invoice amount and the volume of recurrently sold invoice.
    • The service fee is calculated based on the total invoice amount (incl. VAT). If your invoice cannot be prefinanced for the full 100%, then the service fee will only be calculated on the financed part.
  1. Insurance fee
    • The insurance fee entails the (partial) premium of the insurance of your invoice against insolvability of your client. The higher the solvability of your client, the lower the fee.
  1. Buyer discount
    • The buyer discount is a reduction granted to the buyer of the invoice. It is calculated on the basis of the due date of the invoice and the credit rating of your client. The financed amount minus the buyer discount gives you the sales price of your invoice.


If you deduct all costs (excl. VAT) from the sales price of your invoice, it will give the amount that you receive for selling this invoice, which we call the value.

If you deduct all costs and possible compensations from the sales price of your invoice, you will have the cash amount that will be transferred to your bank account. The cash can be higher or lower than the value of your invoice, depending on which costs were paid in advance or after a compensation.

To know how to book the costs related to the invoice, please consult this accounting memo.

When do I have to pay these fees?